Structs implementing interfaces in D1

Steven Schveighoffer schveiguy at
Tue Feb 10 18:01:41 PST 2009

"Tom S" wrote
> Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
>> Since structs are generally stack variables, why not make the interface a 
>> separate stack variable?  Most of the time, you are interested in passing 
>> a struct to a function via an interface so the function can use the 
>> interface but not save a reference to it.
>> (snip)
> Great idea! :D I couldn't stop myself from implementing it:
>  [snip]


It would be really cool if a huge pile of money could appear before me

/me waits patiently

Seriously, you have made my day brighter, now to convince Walter... Alas, 
I'm sure we'll never see this as a compiler feature in D1 (in dmd at least)


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