
Andrei Alexandrescu SeeWebsiteForEmail at
Sun Feb 15 07:50:13 PST 2009

Walter and I have been discussing what the regime of statically-sized 
arrays should be. In short, the behavior that's most consistent with 
everything else is to treat them as values.

This also brings the problems of e.g. containers - should they have 
consistent value semantics (like in STL) or consistent reference 
semantics (like in Java)? Or both, subject to a policy parameter?

At any rate, it looks like the days of cheap by-value copying are over. 
Even today, large structs become onerous to pass by value. If copy 
constructors start being used, we can't simply assume that copying 
things around is not a problem.

Today we use:

void fun(T)(T value) { ... }


void fun(T)(ref T value) { ... }

to make a choice in parameter passing. But neither is perfect. The 
former copies too much, and the latter does not accept rvalues. C++ has 
found a solution to this problem in the guise of references to const 
objects. Those can accept lvalues and rvalues alike. It looked like a 
good solution at the time, but it's caused huge issues in other areas of 
the language, which ultimately led to a complicated feature called 
rvalue references. So I'd like to veer a different way.

I was thinking of something like:

void fun(T)(ref? T value) { ... }

This really generates two overloads:

void fun(T)(ref T value) { ... }
void fun(T)(T value) { return (cast(void (ref T)) fun)(value); }

meaning that there are two fun instantiations, one actually doing the 
work, and the other just forwarding rvalues to it.

There's one little extra thing that the feature does. A function may 
want to return its incoming argument, in which case it might say:

ref? T fun(T)(ref? T value) { ... return value; }

in which case the generated code is:

ref T fun(T)(ref T value) { ... }
T fun(T)(T value) { return (cast(void (ref T)) fun)(value); }

I wanted to discuss this to gather more ideas and insights on the topic.


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