OT -- Re: random cover of a range
Denis Koroskin
2korden at gmail.com
Mon Feb 16 05:23:05 PST 2009
On Mon, 16 Feb 2009 15:28:33 +0300, Christopher Wright
<dhasenan at gmail.com> wrote:
> Don wrote:
>> Yigal Chripun wrote:
>>> Nick Sabalausky wrote:
>>>> "Yigal Chripun"<yigal100 at gmail.com> wrote in message
>>>> news:gn9qp7$apa$1 at digitalmars.com...
>>>>> A millennium ago, Europe was in the midst of the dark ages while all
>>>>> scientific advances were made by Islamic scholars (know Algebra?),
>>>>> and the
>>>>> christian world went on holy crusades to fight the evil
>>>>> "barbarians", now
>>>>> a millennium later the wheel had turned and the Islamic world is in
>>>>> its
>>>>> own dark-age (Iran is prime example of that) and the Islamic
>>>>> extremists
>>>>> are calling for Jihad against the corrupt and evil heretics of the
>>>>> west.
>>>>> Non of that is present in Judaism.
>>>> I'm no theology expert, but from what I understand, the Islamic
>>>> concept of
>>>> Jihad really refers to a person's internal good-vs-evil struggle, not
>>>> an
>>>> external struggle. The so-called "Muslims" that take Jihad to mean
>>>> actually
>>>> committing violence against other people are bastardizing thier own
>>>> religion
>>>> in the same way that some people bastardize Christianity into
>>>> allegedly
>>>> being pro-"white power".
>>> Not quite so. Jihad is one of the pillars of Islam, and has about 4
>>> sub-categories one of which is _Jihad_by_sword_
>>> here's a quote for example from
>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_of_Islamic_scholars_on_Jihad :
>>> <quote>
>>> Ibn Rushd, in his Muqaddimāt, divides Jihad into four kinds:
>>> "Jihad by the heart; Jihad by the tongue; Jihad by the hand and
>>> Jihad by the sword." He defines "Jihad by the tongue" as "to commend
>>> good conduct and forbid the wrong, like the type of Jihad Allah (swt)
>>> ordered us to fulfill against the hypocrites in His Words, “O Prophet!
>>> Strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites” (Qur'an
>>> [Qur'an 9:73]). Thus, Seraj and Ahmad Hendricks have expressed a view
>>> that Muhammad strove against the unbelievers by sword and against the
>>> hypocrites by tongue
>>> </quote>
>>>>> the only link between Judaism to Christianity is that supposedly
>>>>> Jesus was
>>>>> Jewish.
>>>> Umm...Judaism and Christianity share an entire Bible. Of course,
>>>> Christianity adds another Bible (the "New Testament") but they equally
>>>> revere what they call the "Old Testament", which *is* the Jewish
>>>> Bible. As
>>>> part of that Bible, both religions contain The Ten Commandments,
>>>> Moses,
>>>> Abraham (this particular part also being shared by Islam), Adam and
>>>> Eve,
>>>> Noah's Ark, and probably some other things. I'm not sure where you
>>>> get the
>>>> idea that Jesus's religion is the only connection between Judaism and
>>>> Christianity.
>>> Christianity has mostly redefined out of existence most of the Jewish
>>> concepts if not all of them as they appear in the bible (the old
>>> testament), and the new testament which overrides the old one defines
>>> different, and contradicting new concepts.
>>> Christians use different interpretations of the bible and the
>>> christian faith basically broke backwards compatibility (to borrow a
>>> software concept) with Judaism.
>> You seem to be assuming that modern Judaism is identical to
>> first-century Judaism. It clearly isn't. In particular, (1) the
>> destruction of the temple required significant "breaking of backward
>> compatibility" (not to anywhere near the same extent as Christianity,
>> of course), and (2) Orthodox Judaism recognizes the Talmud, which was
>> written down later than the New Testament.
>> Also Christianity retains the Tanakh(Old Testament) word-for-word and
>> regards it as authoritative. This put strict limits on the extent of
>> possible divergence.
> Divergence of belief in the historical content of the text, yes. (I know
> that Christianity has some divergence on whether the text is completely
> and literally accurate in all aspects. I don't know whether there are
> any young-earth creationists among non-Christian Jews, or anything like
> that.)
> However, there are a lot of commandments given down regarding what is
> clean and unclean, and how to distinguish, and treatment for being
> unclean in various ways. That is universally ignored. Doctors do better
> at healing people than priests who follow the Torah exactly. In case of
> an infestation of mold in your house, you are going to call someone who
> specializes in that issue, and they're not going to follow the Torah,
> even if they are the strictest of orthodox Jews. And I haven't seen any
> Christian who felt compelled to avoid eating shellfish due to biblical
> restrictions.
I know one - Jesus.
There is also "Jews for Jesus" organization that follow kosher diet.
And I've also heard of christian old-believers in Russia that don't eat
pork and shellfish.
> I don't know many ultra-Orthodox Jews; do any of you know a Jew who
> would go to his priest regarding a rash before he would go to a doctor?
I've heard many Jews refuse to do the blood transfusion even if it costs
them their life.
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