Ddoc issues

Khu tretton at gmail.com
Wed Jan 7 13:18:29 PST 2009

In documentation comments, it seems Ddoc treats any leading "word:" as a standard section, no matter what it is. This snippet yields sections "See Also:" which is empty, and "http:" which contains the rest of the URL:

 * Blah, blah.
 * See_Also:
 *   http://www.someurl.com/
void foo() {}

Is this intentional?

Also, unmatched standard parentheses can twist the output:

 * Blah, blah.
 * Params:
 *   stuff = in interval [0,1)
void bar(int stuff) {}

The above snippet, as well as flipping the ends of the interval to (0,1], causes either a "$(DDOC_MODULE_MEMBERS" to appear above the documentation comment or the last parenthesis to get shifted below the comment.


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