
Claus D. Volko cdvolko at gmx.net
Tue Jan 13 09:56:46 PST 2009

Adam D. Ruppe Wrote:

> On Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 10:15:45AM -0500, Claus D. Volko wrote:
> > Thanks for your answer. It sounds plausible to me. Do you know how to manually cause a flush? I've found this code snippet:
> fflush(stdout);
> That should do it and is imported in std.stdio;

I've tried it - it doesn't help. :(

// The "Hello World!" program

import std.stdio;
import std.c.stdio;

void main ()
  int i;                                    // Variable definition
  i = 200;                                  // Assignment
  writefln ("Hello World!");                // Function call
  writef ("The value of i is ", i, ".");    // Function call
  getch ();                                 // Function call
  fflush (stdout);

I've also tried calling std.stdio.fflush (stdout); to avoid calling the function from std.c.stdio - not the desired effect either.

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