Anomaly on Wiki4D GuiLibraries page

Stewart Gordon smjg_1998 at
Sat Jan 17 03:28:05 PST 2009

John Reimer wrote:
> 2)  You don't have enough information to go on to make that change, 
> unless you have dicussed this with Walter.  Maybe he doesn't want to 
> recognize the old DWT as "standard" anymore, if it isn't actively 
> developed.  Maybe neither library is "standard".

Maybe you're right.  But if Walter hasn't stripped Phobos DWT of its 
'standard' title, I think technically it still applies.  But it might be 
more practical to consider neither to be.

I guess what's really needed is for both DWTs to be maintained in 
parallel.  Or maybe merge into one DWT that's versioned for the two. 
Who has experience of writing dual-mode libraries like this?  (SDWF is 
dual-mode for D1 and D2; I'm guessing it could further be made 
triple-mode for Tango as well.  Even quadruple-mode once we have a Tango 
for D2.  Anyone fancy trying it?)


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