range and algorithm-related stuff
Andrei Alexandrescu
SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org
Sat Jan 24 17:09:07 PST 2009
I'm working on the new range stuff and the range-based algorithm. In all
likelihood, you all might be pleased with the results.
I wanted to gauge opinions on a couple of issues. One is, should the
empty() member function for ranges be const? On the face of it it
should, but I don't want that to be a hindrance. I presume non-const
empty might be necessary sometimes, e.g. figuring out if a stream is
empty effectively means fetching an element off it.
Second, there are arguably some range-related constructs that do not
really qualify as "algorithms" (some of these are inspired from
Haskell's standard library):
1. repeat(x) => returns an infinite range consisting of the element x
2. take(n, range) => takes at most n elements out of a range (very
useful with infinite ranges!)
3. cycle(range)
and a few others. I defined a new module called std.range that contains
range fundamentals. Should I put these functions in there, or in
std.algorithm? Or should I just merge them both to avoid confusion? If
not, where to I draw the line between "it's an algorithm" and "it's a
range utility"?
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