
dsimcha dsimcha at
Wed Jan 28 10:04:38 PST 2009

== Quote from Andrei Alexandrescu (SeeWebsiteForEmail at's article
> I've worked valiantly on defining the range infrastructure and making
> std.algorithm work with it. I have to say that I'm even more pleased
> with the result than I'd ever expected when I started. Ranges and
> concepts really make for beautiful code, and I am sure pretty darn
> efficient too.
> There's a lot to sink one's teeth in, but unfortunately the code hinges
> on a compiler fix that Walter was kind enough to send me privately. I
> did document the work, but the documentation doesn't really make justice
> to the extraordinary possibilities that lay ahead of us. Anyhow, here's
> a sneak preview into the up-and-coming ranges and their algorithms.
> Ranges are easy to define and compose efficiently. It was, however, a
> pig to get a zip(r1, r2, ...) working that can mutate back the ranges it
> iterates on. With that, it's very easy to e.g. sort multiple arrays in
> parallel. Similarly, chain(r1, r2, ...) is able to offer e.g. random
> iteration if all components offer it, which means that you can do crazy
> things like sorting data that sits partially in one array and partially
> in another.
> Singly-linked list ranges are in, and to my soothing I found an answer
> to the container/range dichotomy in the form of a topology policy. A
> range may or may not be able to modify the topology of the data it's
> iterating over; if it can, it's a free-standing range, much like
> built-in arrays are. If it can't, it's a limited range tied to a
> container (of which I defined none so far, but give me time) and it's
> only the container that can mess with the topology in controlled ways.
> More on that later.
> Feedback welcome.
> Andrei


Here's a good one for std.range that I thought of and implemented this morning
while waiting for some code to run.  It's a random access range struct that takes
another random access range and creates a strided version of it.  It also has the
ability to make a random access range of structs look like a random access range
of one element of the struct.

For example:

uint[] foo = [0U, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
// Make a range of every even-indexed element of foo:
auto fooEven = Strided!(uint[])(foo, 2);
assert(foo[0] == 0);
assert(foo[1] == 2);
assert(foo[2] == 4);

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