Scientific computing with D

Chad J gamerchad at
Fri Jan 30 21:41:23 PST 2009

Daniel Keep wrote:
> Chad J wrote:
>> Bill Baxter wrote:
>>> There's also the "glitz" backend for Cairo, though I think it's also a
>>> little dead.  It wasn't really functional last I checked.  And Cairo
>>> wasn't very Windows-friendly then either.
>>> --bb
>> Cairo... ugh... for svg rendering it pulls in RSVG (IIRC) and that
>> pulled in some Gnome deps (?!).  So it had it's fair share of violating
>> my criterion of no unreasonable dependencies and liberal licensing.  I
>> think we concur that this one is not on the list :/
> Well, Cairo isn't an SVG library; it's a rendering API like OpenGL.  If
> you want to read or write SVG, you need another library for that.
> As for RSVG pulling in Gnome dependencies, that's because it's a Gnome
> library.
> Honestly, I've used Cairo from D a number of times, and it's very, VERY
> nice to work with.  If all you're doing is 2D, it beats the pants off
> OpenGL.  As for acceleration, I believe that it *is* accelerated under
> Windows provided you're rendering to an actual GDI surface (also
> providing that the video card drivers accelerate GDI calls.)  But if
> you're rendering to an image buffer then no, it isn't.  Which sucks, but
> there you go.
> Incidentally, I've got a visualisation project underway that's using
> Cairo to render the output; works just fine.
> [ This message brought to you by "that guy" who wrote the Cairo bindings
>   and feels compelled to defend his choices so he doesn't look like a
>   burke. ]
>   -- Daniel

Alright, well that makes sense.  I suppose I should back off a bit and
say that using Cairo as a lead for doing SVG graphics didn't go anywhere
nice.  I can certainly see Cairo working for other procedural graphics
just fine though.

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