Can we fix reverse operator overloading (opSub_r et. al.)?

Don nospam at
Fri Jul 10 02:28:48 PDT 2009

Lars T. Kyllingstad wrote:
> Don wrote:
>> Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
>>> Walter Bright wrote:
>>>> Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
>>>>> This also reminds me that the entire operator overloading feature 
>>>>> must be thrown away and redesigned.
>>>> :-(
>>> It's run its course like an old BMW. We need to do new things, and 
>>> bolting them on what we have won't work.
>>> Andrei
>> Indeed, I even think that the concept of operator overloading is wrong.
>> In C++, operator overloading was just for syntax sugar. That's wrong: 
>> pretty much everything that you want overloaded operators for, is 
>> performance-critical. And that implies you need to deal on the level 
>> of complete expressions, not individual operations.
> That is true. There is, for instance, a good reason why the basic BLAS 
> matrix multiplication routine calculates
>   a A B + b C        (a,b: scalars; A,B,C: matrices)
> instead of just AB.
> Would/could one could gain something, performance-wise, by having such 
> "expression overloading" as a built-in feature of the language itself, 
> rather than as a library?
> BLADE has already shown that it is possible to do stuff like this in a 
> library, but I think it goes without saying that if it was built into 
> the language the syntax could be made considerably nicer. Compare:
>   auto m = MatrixOp!("a*A*B + b*C")(aVal, bVal, aMtrx, bMtrx, cMtrx);
>   auto m = a*A*B + b*C;
> If D could do this, I think it would become the next FORTRAN. :)
> -Lars

Curiously, in the DMD front-end, that's almost what happens with array 
x[] = a*y[] + c*z[];
gets translated into:
__somemangledarrayfuncname(x, y, z, a, c);

and creates:

__somemangledarrayfuncname(T[] p1, T[] p2, T[] p3, T c1, T c2)
   for(int p=0; p < p1.length; ++p) {
     p1[p] = c1*p2[p] + c2*p3[p];

And there are many bugs associated with this, since the compiler doesn't 
distinguish x[] from x properly (where x is a dynamic array); you can 
get internal compiler errors referring to type mismatches of 'p'. This 
could, I think, be done better by putting a simple version of BLADE in 
the compiler runtime.

A big issue with matrix overloading is, what do you with dot product? 
It's just as fundamental as '+' or '*', but it doesn't have an operator 
symbol. Consider that a 1x5 matrix multiplied by a 5x1 matrix is just a 
dot product of two vectors, and a smart compiler would be able to 
recognize that.

The other thing that's desperately missing from D is multi-dimensional 

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