DMD2, std.zlib, and gzip

grauzone none at
Thu Jul 23 04:09:36 PDT 2009

> I've attached a simple module I use to encode/decode gzip files. Hope 
> this helps.

zlib can do this for you. Then you don't need to put up so much pressure 
on the GC, and there's no need for manual header parsing/generation.

Quoting the docs for deflateInit2:

"windowBits can also be greater than 15 for optional gzip encoding. Add
    16 to windowBits to write a simple gzip header and trailer around the
    compressed data instead of a zlib wrapper."

You can also enable automatic header detection for zlib/gzip decoding in 

But I think you'll have to stop using std.zlib to use this functionality.

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