Reddit: why aren't people using D?

Bill Baxter wbaxter at
Thu Jul 23 09:10:28 PDT 2009

On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 6:49 PM, Walter
Bright<newshound1 at> wrote:
> Bill Baxter wrote:
>> Yeh, it's like what's the big diff between a Lamborghini and a Chevy
>> Nova anyway?  They both have four tires.  They both run on gas.  So
>> what's all the fuss about the Lamborghini?
> It's like a car from the 60's vs a car today. It's hard to see what's really
> different, until you spend time driving one. There's just a boatload of
> little improvements in everything that add up to a lot.
> It's no surprise that most people who fix up those old cars also upgrade the
> systems with modern technology.

That's a better analogy.  Or like the guy who works on my bicycle was
telling me just this week before he got started trying to fix the
thing I was complaining about.  "In an ideal world every bike would be
a $7000 bike."  That's because basically everything is built to higher
tolerances on a $7000 bike and everything just works exactly like it's
supposed to.

D is a lot like that $7000 bike -- except, thankfully, for the price tag.


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