Reddit: why aren't people using D?

Michiel Helvensteijn m.helvensteijn.remove at
Fri Jul 24 02:12:48 PDT 2009

Jarrett Billingsley wrote:

> You're suggesting adding something like 25 operator overloads to every
> property.  Can you say "code bloat"?

It may not be necessary in simple situations where the compiler can figure
out that it may use a more direct way. But I believe it is the right way to
go if you want more speed out of your properties, yes.

> Why not just use the following solution, which has been proposed
> God-knows-how-many-times and already has precedence in other languages
> (like C#)?
> obj.prop op= value;
> Simply becomes:
> obj.prop.set(obj.prop.get op value);

There are several issues with that suggestion:

* It works only if (a op= b) always behaves the same as (a = a op b).

* It would only work for op= operators. It can't do anything for arbitrary
mutator methods on the type of the property.

* In most situations, it will still be as slow as my suggested 'slow way',
without any extra operator overloads! I will repeat my 'slow'
transformation here again:

obj.prop op= value;
// auto temp = obj.prop.get();
// temp op= value;
// obj.prop.set(value);

At least with that you don't have those first two issues.

Michiel Helvensteijn

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