new DIP5: Properties 2

Michel Fortin michel.fortin at
Mon Jul 27 04:51:33 PDT 2009

On 2009-07-27 04:54:57 -0400, Kagamin <spam at here.lot> said:

> As namespaces were proposed, a variant of them is in DIP5 now.

Hum, what's the difference between:

	int width
		private int val;
		int opGet() { return val; }
		int opSet(int newVal) { return val = newVal; }


	namespace width
		private int val;
		int opGet() { return val; }
		int opSet(int newVal) { return val = newVal; }


I mean, what's the purpose of giving a type to the namespace when you 
already have a type for the opGet return value?

Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at

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