Reddit: why aren't people using D?

Nick Sabalausky a at a.a
Mon Jul 27 13:16:07 PDT 2009

"Andrei Alexandrescu" <SeeWebsiteForEmail at> wrote in message 
news:h4kkn3$14pv$1 at
> But what I want is to come with a new design that adds minimum aggravation 
> on the learning programmer. If they know how to define a method, they must 
> know how to define a property. None of that property blah { get ... set 
> ... } crap is necessary.

I can't be nice about this: Any programmer who has *any* aggrivation 
learning any even remotely sane property syntax is an idiot, period. They'd 
have to be incompetent to not be able to look at an example like this:

// Fine, I'll throw DRY away:
int _width;
int width
    get { return _width; }
    set(v) { _width = v; }

And immediately know exactly how the poroperty syntax works.

Plus, damn near every other common language out there these days has some 
form of property syntax (except maybe C++, but that's just a steaming pile 
anyway, and anyone who can get used to that garbage is going to be among the 
last people to hit stumbling blocks over a modern property syntax). So prior 
experience with real property syntax is extremely common. Plus, none of the 
people using those langauges have had trouble with these property syntaxes 
anyway. It's a complete non-issue.

While we're at it, let's just throw away for and foreach, after all, there 
can't possibly be any point to those if you already have while! Why should 
we give people new to D the aggrivation of having to learn for and foreach 

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