Properties: .sort and .reverse

bearophile bearophileHUGS at
Wed Jul 29 05:07:51 PDT 2009

> Because they are (supposed to be) handy. You don't want to add imports and remember where to import from, if you want to write a 10-lines long program. Such kind of programs are common enough in dynamic languages.<

My last post may lead people to misunderstand what I think, so I add a clarification here.

There are two important differences:
- In those dynamic languages you usually don't have the *freedom* to write those functions in the same language, you typically must write them in C to have enough performance.
- D arrays (and in future probably more things) allow a syntax array.functioname() that leads to the same syntax as array methods.
- D2 manages well groups of overloads coming from different modules.

So in the end the only problems are:
- some template bloat coming from using function templates.
- finding and adding the right imports.
- having a well designed std library that contains names like ones I have listed.


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