Source control for all dmd source

BCS ao at
Mon Jun 1 12:10:57 PDT 2009

Reply to hasen,

> BCS wrote:
>> It seems you don't like GUIs. Obviously, others doesn't agree with
>> you.
> Now, git comes with its own set of concepts, that are completely
> different from svn. "checkout" in git has nothing to do with
> "checkout" in svn. What's a branch? what's merging? where/how does
> merging happen?
> There's just no way you could work with git without knowing about all
> of this. It's not complicated or anything, but you have to learn it.
> So, when you learn to use it from the command line, then what's the
> point of the gui?
> See, because I come from windows, GUI to me means that I don't have to
> learn anything; that I can just sail through it and it will somehow
> work out on its own.
> That's why GUIs that just offer buttons that map directly to CLI
> commands are confusing.

OK I see where you are coming from and why we are seeing things so differently. 
To me, a GUI is not about "It just works" kinds of things. That's just good 
design and can be had (with more design work) in a CLI as well. To me, a 
GUI is about having more dimensions of input, more simultaneous channels 
of communication. I can see many different bits of information in a non linear 
way. I can have many contexts available at the same time. I can access many 
action from the same point. I'd much rather select from a set of files with 
check boxes than by typing in file names.

> Imagine a file explorer where you have to right click a directory and
> choose "cd" from the menu. and then it will cd into that directory,
> but not show you the files inside it, instead it shows a blank, and
> then you right click somewhere in that empty area and choose "ls".
> better yet, "ls" would bring a sub-menu, where one of the choices is
> "-al", or maybe just be smart and write it out as "all", to confuse
> the user, and make him think "Oh, so it usually lists the first 10
> files only unless I choose all? To conserve screen space maybe?"

There is a big difference; with Git/SVN many of the commands have side effect 
and many of the others take a bit of time and space to operate on. The way 
I've got SVN/Git set up the most useful information (file status) is shown 
right up front as icon overlays. I don't /want/ any more information that 
that because the next most useful bits (diffs for instance) wouldn't fit 
on any screen I could use.

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