D arithmetic problem

Walter Bright newshound1 at digitalmars.com
Wed Jun 3 01:48:15 PDT 2009

davidl wrote:
> I highly whether the code by utilizing this kind of semantic can be 
> called well-written.

It's not about whether it is well-written or not. It is about whether it 
works correctly in D if it is legal C, or if it silently produces 
different answers. I believe the latter is unacceptable. It should 
either work the same, or issue an error.

> Porting such code to D doesn't make D any better, 
> also it requires a lot of effort to port.

Not sure what you mean here, as the current rules make it easy to port C 
expressions to D, because the rules are the same for C and D.

> I don't know any famous C to D 
> or C++ to D converter. Instead, I have a working C# to D portting tool 
> which can port some specific code by hacking on top of SharpDevelop in 
> only few weeks effort. Porting C# code to D might be more attractive.

I have ported C code to D - see std.md5. I frankly have no idea how it 
works, but I was able to port it despite it doing some inscrutable 
integer arithmetic.

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