D2 vs D1
ao at pathlink.com
Thu Jun 18 16:10:40 PDT 2009
Reply to Derek,
>>> On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 11:56 AM, BCS<none at anon.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello steel,
>>>> build tools: ??? haven't followed that much. I use a command prompt
>>>> for simple stuff and for the rest I need make.
> you: dmd main.d
> me: bud main
> you: dmd main.d foo.d
> me: bud main
> you: dmd main.d foo.d and.d lots.d of.d other.d stuff.d
> me: bud main
> you: 90% of the time that I need more than that, I'm
> getting into non D build steps so nothing short
> of a fully general system able to run arbitrary
> command will cut it.
> me: bud main
> :-)
I can do that first bit a lot of times for the same effort it takes to find,
download, install and get bud running (not that bud is hard to run, just
that my way is not at all hard). Literally I spend *maybe* 60 seconds a week
doing that.
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