lutger.blijdestijn at gmail.com
Sat Jun 20 05:23:42 PDT 2009
Yigal Chripun wrote:
> Lutger wrote:
>> Not sure what that would do, but C++ concepts are not exactly compile
>> time interfaces. This is very important: in C++0X, a type T which
>> satisfies the concept Comparable<T> does not implement the concept
>> explicitly, whereas languages with explicit constraints on generics do
>> require T to be inherited from IComparable. The consequence is a bit of
>> bloat and more rigid demands on what is supposed to relax the inflexible
>> regime of the static type system. This bloat and rigidity is also a
>> cognitive burden in it's own right, for example when it requires
>> workarounds when the system is not expressive enough.
> regarding the consequences - i agree that this is a bit more rigid. I
> don't see the bloat though. can you provide an example? can you also
> explain what kinds of workarounds are you talking about that would be
> required?
Ok, I sort of assumed you talked about explicit instantiation like in C#.
For any type that implements a clone operation for example, you have to
derive it from ICloneable if you are to use it as a generic parameter. In
addition, in your template, you have to explicitly bring all operations
under in an interface. (This is the bloat part). Now say I have a type from
another library that supports cloning, has the same interface as ICloneable,
but doesn't derive from it. You are forced to create a wrapper for it that
derives from ICloneable. (the workaround). Also, there is the complication
of what to do with arithmetic types.
>> Concepts provide two benefits in this context: documentation and extra
>> type checking for templates. But they do retain structural typing. In D,
>> we already have this covered with template constraints.* If you look at
>> std.range, this is exactly what you see: all the interfaces (and even
>> semantics) are nicely named and documented explicitly. So would we have
>> had compile time interfaces, they would add next to nothing about the
>> documentation or understanding of ranges.
> there are several problems with the template constraints currently used.
> 1. the constraints are specified on the client code which means you need
> to either duplicate those constraints everywhere or call some template
> like isForwardRange manually to check that you got the correct type.
Yes that is the way to go I believe. Phobos already defines a lot of these
concepts so that makes it easier.
> 2. The syntax for this is completely alien and unreadable, at least for
> me.
I agree, but this is a syntax detail. It has no bearing on the type system.
> documentations and type-checking are indeed the two main benefits I'd
> like to get.
> the current way it is done with is() expression is unreadable. this
> needs to be specified IMO with the same (or almost the same) syntax as
> interfaces. I don't get why D needs two completely different syntaxes
> for the same thing (specifying an interface). this will give us a more
> readable documentation aspect.
> the type-checking aspect of this is that the checks will be done on the
> template definition instead of the instantiation in the client code
> which will also prevent cases when bugs in a library template only
> manifest when the client programmer compiles *his* code. this happened
> to tango in the past.
I agree. This is point where concepts in C++ may prove more powerful.
>>> templates are hard for users to understand and one of the main reasons
>>> for this is that templates are essentially a completely different
>>> language with different syntax and semantics which to me looks like
>>> mis-design.
>> I don't think it is hard to understand because of structural typing.
>> Generics are inherently somewhat difficult in a static typing language,
>> because of it's abstract nature. You don't have this problem in dynamic
>> languages. (or you can't escape it, depending on your POV)
>> I don't agree that templates are a completely different language though.
>> When used purely for parametric polymorphism, it does integrate nicely in
>> the normal type system. When you do use it for meta-programming, which is
>> relatively rare, then the above also applies: this is an inherently
>> difficult way of programming. Just look at something like lisp where you
>> can metaprogram in the same language. Does that make it easy to
>> understand? Or CTFE and string mixins in D, same language, but it's also
>> difficult. Adding more constraints can never solve the fact that humans
>> don't easily grok programs which generate programs.
> I was talking mostly about meta-programming and not parametric
> polymorphism.
> I agree that it is harder to grok programs that generate programs. this
> is why it is so important IMO to make this as readable as possible.
> to answer your question, lisp does make this _easier_ to understand
> compared to templates. D CTFE functions are much more readable than D
> templates.
> while I agree that this is never trivial, it should not be made near
> impossible like it is in C++. an experienced user should be able to read
> the source of libs like Boost and STL and understand without much
> trouble what it does without being a C++ guru.
>> * I don't think the extra type checking is done, but perhaps it could be.
> the distinction you make between generics with explicit constraints that
> require explicit inheritance and concepts is more of an implementation
> detail IMO.
> the first uses run-time inheritance for this type checking.
> what I'd prefer is the second implementation where the type-check is
> done at compile-time by means of structural typing but unlike C++ where
> it's optional I want it to be required so that the type-checking is
> performed on the definition and not on the instantiations.
> does that make sense?
I don't understand how you can have structural typing and at the same time
require explicit constraints. Maybe I'm missing something here? This was my
entire point: losing structural typing because of explicit generic
constraints is a bad thing.
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