Making changes to Wiki4D

Jesse Phillips jessekphillips at
Sat Jun 20 18:41:42 PDT 2009

As stated in the "D wiki" post, I am planning to do major reorganization 
of the prowiki content. In order to effectively do this I have to make a 
lot of changes and would like some input on how I should handle them.

Brad, I take it that the replacement effort is a no go?

The process will take time to complete, I'd like to know how important it 
is to keep access to all pages? I don't intend the final result to 
contain every existing page or its content.

Input on how separating information about D1 vs D2 would be good. The 
issue being a lot of content is shared but some of it is not.

The main question is, how important is authorship on a wiki? The problems 
below show what I'm referring to.

Moving Pages:

I want to make a consistent hierarchy for the pages. I realize I can 
reference the pages as they currently are, and many I will. The main one 
I'm looking at is "NotesForProgrammersUsedTo" pages, and instead just 
call it "ComingFrom" allowing for "ComingFrom/JavaLanguage."

I don't think you can move pages, so if I just copy the content into a 
new page then I'd become the "author." I don't have a desire to reference 
the old page, since that would be unclean, so what would be the 
appropriate way to handle this?

Moving Content:

Also related to the authorship problem is moving around sections of 
content from one page to another.

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