Give me a break
Lars T. Kyllingstad
public at kyllingen.NOSPAMnet
Mon Jun 29 11:09:10 PDT 2009
Steve Teale wrote:
> dsimcha Wrote:
>> I feel that miscellaneous toolchain issues (other than implementing changes to the
>> spec and fixing bugs that severely affect the usability of language features) are
>> an order of magnitude less important because this stuff can always be done after
>> the fact without breaking code. In other words, once the spec is finalized and a
>> decent reference implementation is out the door, people can confidently use D2
>> knowing that the situation will only get better. Until then, it's two steps
>> forward, one step back when code breaks in non-trivial ways due to a spec change
>> or a compiler bug makes a seemingly useful feature that you planned on using
>> absolutely useless.
> Dsimcha,
> Everything can be done later. The concern is 'will it'. If D dies on the way because people come to look __again__ and see same-old, same-old, then this is a real risk.
> Steve
...except everything isn't same-old same-old! A lot of exciting things
have happened in the last year:
- The D2 spec is soon finished.
- Phobos is being completely rewritten, and from what I've seen
so far I think it is a beautiful piece of work.
- The DMD compiler is available for more architectures than ever.
- A D book is being written by a well-known author and C++ expert.
- An alternative compiler is in active development. It is built on
a modern compiler infrastructure, and it is developed by a team of
people instead of just one person. This should secure its future
somewhat. I suspect that once the D1 version is in place, the
D2 version won't be far behind.
- The DMD compiler is now open source. It is easier than ever to
tweak and patch it, and to make a D compiler of your own.
I think these are exciting times in which to be a D user! :)
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