General reference types
dsimcha at
Mon Mar 2 13:25:34 PST 2009
== Quote from dsimcha (dsimcha at's article
> I've been thinking that it would be nice for D to have a general reference
> type, which would basically be syntactic sugar for a pointer with no
> arithmetic allowed. This would be safer and more syntactically elegant than
> using pointers directly just to get reference semantics for something. Modulo
> a few small rough edges in D's operator overloading, this can be done well in
> a library, so core language support is unnecessary.
> Such a type might something like:
> struct Ref!(T) {
> private T* ptr;
> // Assign val to dereference of ptr.
> void opAssign(U)(ref U val) if(is(U : T));
Sorry, this method wouldn't exist. Instead it would be:
// Make this a reference to val.
void opAssign(ref T val);
> // Rebind ptr.
> void opAssign(Ref!(T) val);
> ref T opDot() {
> return *ptr;
> }
> static if(__traits(compiles, (*ptr)++)) {
> void opPostInc() {
> (*ptr)++;
> }
> }
> // Other stuff.
> }
> I've started prototyping this a little, and filing bug reports/enhancement
> requests for a few small hangups I've run into implementing this. Does this
> sound worth doing? If so, any input on how it should work?
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