Tango: Out of Date Installation Instructions

Steven Schveighoffer schveiguy at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 2 14:00:15 PST 2009

"Benji Smith" wrote
> I considered posting to the dsource tango forum, but it's such a 
> low-volume group, I might not get a response for a week or more. I posted 
> here because of the high-volume.

Just an FYI, many tango devs monitor the forums daily, and most likely you 
would have received a response within a day or two.  I find the timeline 
feature of Trac very useful for monitoring forums.

So people shouldn't be wary of posting to the forums for fear of 
non-response ;)  Just wanted to put that out there.

Of course, if you need an answer in minutes instead of hours/days, #d.tango 
is the way to go.


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