important proposal: scope keyword for class members

John Simon zildjohn01 at
Sat Mar 7 07:39:03 PST 2009

Christopher Wright Wrote:

> dsimcha wrote:
> > But the whole point of classes is that they're supposed to be polymorphic.  If you
> > don't need polymorphism, that's what structs are for.  You can store them either
> > inline (default) or in separate heap space (using pointers).  If you do need
> > polymorphism, you don't know at compile time what the size of the object is
> > supposed to be, and initializing the object the way you suggest defeats polymorphism.
> scope can't use polymorphism. It's for situations in which you need your 
> polymorphic type to be on the stack for whatever reason, but you don't 
> need polymorphism at the moment.
> For example, you want to open a file. File inherits from some sort of 
> Stream class; it's not a struct. So you can write:
> auto file = new File(path);
> scope(exit) file.close;
> Or:
> scope file = new File(path);

Exactly. And on top of that, how does being 'scope' limit its polymorphism? Code time:

int main(char[][] args) {
    class A {}
    class B : A {}
    class C : B {}

    void tryB(A a) {writefln(cast(B)a ? "casted" : "null");}

    scope a = new A;
    scope b = new B;
    assert(cast(C)b is null); // OK
    assert(cast(A)b == b); // OK

    tryB(a); // "null"
    tryB(b); // "casted"

    return 42;

You can always upcast and downcast safely, since it isn't actually a 'value' type, only the address is passed around. The type of the class remains intact.

So I don't see why this shouldn't be extended to classes as aggregate members.

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