D compiler benchmarks

Robert Clipsham robert at octarineparrot.com
Sat Mar 7 16:47:21 PST 2009

The Anh Tran wrote:
> 1. Could you add "some" bench that Alioth currently run on q6600 ubuntu?
> 2. A gnu c++ for a reference would be great.
> I'm very eager to port C++ entries to D :)

1. All the benchmarks currently up are just tango ports of tests from 
alioth, if that's what you mean?
2. I wasn't planning on adding in C,C++ etc benchmarks as then it will 
just become a clone of the shootout. I don't mind adding a reference in 
for each test from C/C++ if there is enough demand, I would rather avoid 
it and make it purely for D benchmarks if possible.

Please feel free to port benchmarks to D/tango, I'll be more than happy 
to incorporate them into the suite (which is currently fairly minimal).

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