D compiler benchmarks

The Anh Tran trtheanh at gmail.com
Sat Mar 7 17:21:41 PST 2009

Robert Clipsham wrote:
> The Anh Tran wrote:
>> 3. Do you use multithread or single thread?
> I'm not sure what you mean here. All the current benchmarks are single 
> threaded as the multi threaded benchmarks use std.thread, and my 
> knowledge of phobos is not good enough to port them. If you mean the 
> machine itself, it does support multithreading, so tests could benefit 
> from that.

Sorry, my english is bad.
Does your bench split into single/multi thread categories like Alioth's:

They use affinity to emulate single core bench. But i think we can add a 
number to command line for that. Ie:
fankuch 10 4 // run fankuch bench with 4 threads, array size is 10

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