Proposal: fixing the 'pure' floating point problem.
nospam at
Sun Mar 15 06:10:44 PDT 2009
Don wrote:
> Walter Bright wrote:
>> Don wrote:
>>> The math functions need to work for any rounding mode, not just the
>>> default mode. They also set the status flags correctly. In fact, they
>>> are almost the only functions where this matters!
>> Ok, then std.math functions cannot be pure in either your or my
>> proposal, so I'm not seeing the advantage of yours.
> They _can_ be pure in my proposal.
> Take real y = exp(real x) as an example.
> Actually what happens is:
> y = exp(real x, threadlocal int controlflags);
> threadlocal int statusflags |= exp_effect_statusflags(real x,
> threadlocal int controlflags);
Or to put it another way -- in my proposal, we acknowledge that these
two hidden variables always exist, in every function, and must be
treated correctly for all pure functions.
The module(floatingpoint)(or better, module(advancedfloatingpoint)) is
essentially an optimisation trick, severely restricting access to those
hidden variables. It allows the compiler to completely ignore the hidden
variables in every module except for a small number of designated
modules. These designated modules are so rare, that they can be dealt
with by disabling caching of pure function return values.
I would expect that apart from std.math, there'd be very few other
advancedfloatingpoint modules, other than those explicitly dealing with
interval arithmetic, and those dealing with particular array operations.
Easy to implement, easy to explain to users (if you want to use the
advanced floating point features, define the
module(advancedfloatingpoint). Any public function in such a module must
restore the rounding mode back to the default before returning, and
before calling any function which is not defined in an
advancedfloatingpoint module. Any call to a function which is not in an
advancedfloatingpoint module leaves the floating point sticky flags in
an undefined state).
Frankly, I think this is one of my best ever language proposals. I'd
considered much more complicated approaches and discovered that they
didn't work. I was very proud to have found such a simple solution.
The difficult bit is convincing people that it actually solves the
problem, and that almost nothing else works. <g>
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