Updated D Benchmarks
bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
Sun Mar 15 06:47:22 PDT 2009
Robert Clipsham:
I have seen you have put all graphs in a page. This is probably better. When you have 10-20 benchmarks you may need less thick bars.
You can add the raw timings, formatted into an ASCII table, a bit like this (don't use an HTML table):
There's no strict need of a separated file, a <pre>...</pre> part in the page is enough too.
It's useful for automatic processing of your data, for example with a small script.
It's so useful, that you too can use such script to generate your html page with a small python script from such table of numbers.
>None of the ones that I'm currently using are.<
I know, but here you can see C++ benchmarks that use 300+ MB:
>So you suggest I choose whichever performs best out of C or C++?<
Yep, it gives a more reliable reference. But if you don't like this suggestion do as you like. Using C++ only too is acceptable to me.
>What compiler would you recommend?<
GCC or LLVM-GCC seems fine. They aren't equal, as you may have seen from my benchmarks. GCC is probably better, more developed and more widespread.
>>- I may also offer you few more benchmarks not present in the Shootout site.<<
>Thanks! I'd love to add more benchmarks, 6 doesn't give a great overview.<
OK, I can probably find you 5-10 more small benchmarks.
I think a private email is better for this (or I'll put a zip somewhere and I'll give you an URL).
>No, I did not strip them. I think I might add another page, one with executable sizes, another with stripped executable sizes.<
Stripped only versions are enough too.
>>- What is the trouble of nbody with gdc?<<
>I can't remember off the top of my head, I seem to recall it was a linking error though. I did try to debug it when they were originally run I didn't manage to get anywhere with it though.<
Such trouble can probably be fixed.
>>- From your results it seems ldc needs more memory to run the programs. The LDC team may take a look at this.<
>There doesn't seem to be that much difference,<
This is a small Python script with data scraped manually from your page (this is why having a raw table is useful):
data = """ldc 0.69 dmd 0.63 gdc 0.63
ldc 30.7 dmd 30.64 gdc 30.65
ldc 140.24 dmd 120.61 gdc 120.62
ldc 16.68 dmd 16.62 gdc 16.63
ldc 0.95 dmd 1.52 gdc 0.87 """
data = data.replace("ldc", "").replace("dmd", "").replace("gdc", "").splitlines()
data = [map(float, line.split()) for line in data]
results = [int(round(sum(line))) for line in zip(*data)]
for comp_time in zip("ldc dmd gdc".split(), results):
print "%s: %d MB" % comp_time
Its output:
ldc: 189 MB
dmd: 170 MB
gdc: 169 MB
To me it seems there's some difference.
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