Gide Nwawudu
gide at btinternet.com
Tue Mar 17 16:34:49 PDT 2009
On Tue, 17 Mar 2009 10:48:56 -0400, Steve Teale
<steve.teale at britseyeview.com> wrote:
>import std.stdio;
>void main()
> string s = "Die Walküre";
> writefln(s);
>Gives error - invalid utf-8 sequence. I pasted the text from a Wiki page that claims to be utf-8. What's happening?
Works for me, you should save the file as UTF-8 and set your codepage
to 65001.
C:\> dmd test.d
C:\> test
Die Walk+?re
C:\>chcp 65001
Active code page: 65001
Die Walküre
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