eliminate writeln et comp?
nospam at nospam.com
Sun Mar 22 03:04:48 PDT 2009
Fawzi Mohamed wrote:
> On 2009-03-21 14:23:51 +0100, Daniel Keep <daniel.keep.lists at gmail.com>
> said:
>> Christopher Wright wrote:
>>> Daniel Keep wrote:
>>>> Christopher Wright wrote:
>>>>> Daniel Keep wrote:
>>>>>> When was the last time you had to put this in your GCC-compiled
>>>>>> programs?
>>>>>> "Portions of this program Copyright (C) Free Software Foundation.
>>>>>> Uses
>>>>>> glibc."
>>>>> Executable code resulting from compilation is not a work derived from
>>>>> GCC.
>>>>> glibc is extremely difficult to link statically and is distributed
>>>>> under
>>>>> the LGPL, so no copyright notice is necessary.
>>>>> If dmd had good support for dynamic linking, this wouldn't be
>>>>> nearly as
>>>>> much of an issue. Sadly, ddl seems to be on hiatus, and at any
>>>>> rate, it
>>>>> can't be applied to the runtime.
>>>> I think you're missing my point. I'm saying that a standard library
>>>> shouldn't require you to insert legal disclaimers or attribution
>>>> notices
>>>> into your program or its documentation.
>>>> A standard library should be be as invisible as possible in this
>>>> regard.
>>>> -- Daniel
>>> Right. It's invisible with glibc because you link to it dynamically, and
>>> because everyone installs it by default. Druntime has neither of these
>>> advantages.
>> I'm not talking about distribution of the actual library machine code,
>> I'm talking about the LEGAL ISSUES. Tango's license apparently requires
>> you to explicitly include attribution for Tango in your program. This
>> means it's possible to naively compile "Hello, World" with Tango,
>> distribute it and break the law.
>> That glibc uses dynamic linking is immaterial: that there is no way to
>> avoid the legal issues with Tango no matter what you do is the point I'm
>> trying to make.
>> -- Daniel
> This is bullshit, if you look at the header of c stdio.h you extremely
> likely to find exactly the same disclaimer (at least I did find it).
> If in your program you have an "about" and copyright, or you have
> documentation to it, then yes you should credit the inclusion of tango
> if you use the BSD license.
Even if it doesn't have an "about" or documentation, you STILL need to
include a license, as far as I can see. I don't see anything in the BSD
license that allows you to avoid it, ever.
> If you want to avoid this then you should use the AFL license (which yes
> is incompatible with GPLv2).
> This if looking more and more like FUD.
> Fawzi
Until this thread, I'd believed that. But now it seems that Phobos and
Tango genuinely _are_ incompatible in terms of license issues.
Are you sure that the AFL allows you to avoid the issue of providing a
license? It's astonishingly difficult to make sense of that license. The
16-page commentary that it links you to is total rubbish, it seems to
basically be an attack on the GPL, without saying what the AFL actually
is. It only says:
"In effect, then, AFL 3.0 is like the BSD license, with no
reciprocal obligation to disclose source code."
What the heck does "like" mean?
It's certainly not the same, since BSD is GPL-compatible and AFL isn't.
On that basis, it is NOT like the BSD license.
I find that document (http://www.rosenlaw.com/OSL3.0-explained.pdf)
appalling, and it severely erodes my confidence in the AFL.
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