Please integrate build framework into the compiler
none at
Mon Mar 23 03:57:02 PDT 2009
Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> grauzone wrote:
>> My rdmd doesn't know --chatty. Probably the zip file for dmd 1.041
>> contains an outdated, buggy version. Where can I find the up-to-date
>> source code?
> Hold off on that for now.
>> Another question, rdmd just calls dmd, right? How does it scan for
>> dependencies, or is this step actually done by dmd itself?
> rdmd invokes dmd -v to get deps. It's a interesting idea to add a
> compilation mode to rdmd that asks dmd to generate headers and diff them
> against the old headers. That way we can implement incremental rebuilds
> without changing the compiler.
Is this just an "interesting idea", or are you actually considering
implementing it?
Anyway, maybe you could pressure Walter to fix that dmd bug, that stops
dsss from being efficient. I can't advertise this enough.
> Andrei
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