Building D compiler in MSVC IDE

Lionello Lunesu lionello at
Wed Mar 25 18:45:45 PDT 2009

"x-code" <x-code at> wrote in message 
news:gqdtgd$2g0j$1 at
>I want to build last D 2.0 compiler in Microsoft Visual Studio IDE.
> Prompt me please, what create and adjust *.vcproj project in MSVC
> 2003/2005/2008 (or *.dsp for VC6) for assembly of the D compiler in
> Visual Studio?
> I tried this do, but faced that that some files 
> &#1085;&#1077;&#1093;&#1074;&#1072;&#1090;&#1072;&#1077;&#1090; (even 
> after
> I have found in sources subprojects which generate the part lacking
> sources).
> Anyone created the similar projects? If yes, that where possible
> download working project?

I'm using a VC Makefile project. It even works in VC++ express.

Just use Walter's makefile, use "make -fwin32.mak" for the build command 
line, "make clean -fwin32.mak" for the clean command line. Then, add all *.c 
and *.h files to the project (doesn't really matter) and I've changed the 
CFLAGS=-gd -D in the makefile to CFLAGS=-g -D for more debug info (I 

Pressing F5 will run DMC (...huh?) and compile+link DMD. You can even debug 
and inspect variables! Breakpoints don't seem to work, however, so you must 
insert "asm{int 3;}" wherever you want to break.


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