[OT] [I mean totally OT] Re: What can you "new"
Georg Wrede
georg.wrede at iki.fi
Sun Mar 29 15:53:05 PDT 2009
Daniel Keep wrote:
Then, to really bugger 'em up, I'd make it law that if there's anything
> in an ad that you can't support with concrete evidence, you get hanged.
> Enough of this "five out of six fluffy ducks love our toilet paper
> best" or "Australia's favourite" or any of the other bullshit they use.
> Let's see how eager they are to make stuff up when it's their neck on
> the line...
Oh yes!! Today, I'm having a hard time telling my kids not to lie, while
all the TV ads do is blatant lying.
> They can keep the cannes ad awards, though; if only as a hobby.
>> Check out any movie from the fifties, and all of a sudden you aren't old
>> anymore: you can actually hear what they say. Without burning the amp or
>> your nerves!
> Probably because it was when they still gave a rats about quality and
> not annoying the crap out of the viewer.
> I guess this is all endemic of the media industry these days. I mean, I
> got so furious with all the bullshit going on that I just completely
> stopped buying/renting movies and music.
>> I've actually thought of buying a 5.1 sound system, for the sole purpose
>> of turning everything else down, except the dialog speaker. (The one on
>> top of the TV.) But I've been too lazy to go to a store and test if it
>> actually would work. Does anybody know?
> See, I just turn on subtitles. I guess I got used to them from watching
> Anime with Japanese language and English subs, so it really doesn't
> bother me.
Well, I learnt all my English from watching and listening while reading
local subtitles. I'd hate to turn off the volume.
> Sometimes, I wonder how far above my own the general public's tolerance
> for being treated like cattle is. Just how far do the media and TV
> companies have to push people before society at large turns around and
> hacks their hands off with a blunt spoon...
Well, if folks download movies and music, the industry sure makes them
have less of a bad conscience. And soon more people will do it, just to
get even with the industry.
Most of my TV watching is either recordings, or time-shift, where I can
skip commercials even when I watch "live".
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