RFC: naming for FrontTransversal and Transversal ranges
Robert Jacques
sandford at jhu.edu
Sat May 2 12:02:25 PDT 2009
On Sat, 02 May 2009 10:23:13 -0400, Andrei Alexandrescu
<SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org> wrote:
> Denis Koroskin wrote:
>>> You can reuse memory even if it comprehends more complex patterns
>>> than one single allocation.
>>> Andrei
>> I *highly* doubt it is worth the trouble. Most likely, this container
>> won't be lock-free and scalable anymore. Performance will also
>> degrade dramatically.
> How did you get to "most likely"? There's so many factors in the
> equation. What is the alternative? Why wouldn't the code be lock-free?
> Why would it not be scalable?
Because it dies a horrible death under contention. It's lock-free, but it
isn't concurrent. Worse, the inner CAS loop is actually doing a lot of
work, resulting in a lots of wasted CPU cycles. So as long as the write
rarely, read many paradigm holds, it works. But try this with a stack or a
queue and a good locking algorithm will beat you every time. Also, there's
an issue with stale values for readers, but that's a separate thing.
>> Besides, the more I think about thread-local/shared separation that
>> is going to come to D2, the more I see that there is absolutely no
>> need to make Phobos containers thread-safe. Most containers will be
>> thread-local and won't need any synchronization at all.
> I agree. But you also don't want to preclude using a shared container
> either.
I think Phobos containers should come in two forms: shared and local. i.e.
shared Queue!T sq; /// and
Queue!T q;
They don't need to be there at day one, but I think if they aren't able to
be supported (or slow as molasses), well end of with two container sets
and lots of code duplication.
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