RFC: naming for FrontTransversal and Transversal ranges

Rainer Deyke rainerd at eldwood.com
Sat May 2 22:15:45 PDT 2009

Robert Jacques wrote:
> RAII is all about stack allocation over heap allocation (or so I
> thought). Ah, wikipedia has set me straight. Anyways, now for the simple
> answer: you can't create D1 arrays with RAII types, I think. (Anyone
> tried scope Foo[] foo?) Anyways, in D2, if I remember correctly there's
> a bug where struct finilizers don't run if they're allocated on the
> heap. But if you're using classes for RAII like you should, the GC will
> run their finalizers just fine after the array dies. But this is an
> seems to be an issue about the elements/values inside the containers,
> not the container itself. So I'm lost.

A RAII variable is "destroyed" when it goes out of scope, where
"destroyed" means that a destructor is called.  RAII is a transitive
feature.  When a RAII variable is destroyed, its members are also
destroyed.  When a RAII container is destroyed, all of its contents are

References in D are not RAII types, because when a reference goes out of
scope, the "contents" of that reference are not destroyed until the
garbage decides to collect them, at which point it is too late to
perform clean-up.

When an array dies, its contents are destroyed.  The issue is when the
array dies.

If the array is a value type, the array dies when it goes out of scope,
so RAII is possible.

If the array is a reference type, the array dies when the garbage
collector decides to run sometime after all live references to the array
have died, so RAII is not possible.

Rainer Deyke - rainerd at eldwood.com

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