SCHEDULED for deprecation

Tomasz Sowiñski tomeksowi.remove.this at
Sat May 9 13:05:10 PDT 2009

Georg Wrede Wrote:

> Yes. It's a matter of principle, that a compiler should behave the same, 
> no matter what the wall clock says. (Commercial beta versions excluded, 
> which totally stop working at a fixed date, but that's different.)
> What could be useful is a switch --show-deprecated that simply puts out 
> a list of the currently deprecated functions and things. But that's 
> asking for too much, I admit. Rather, the change log would be the right 
> place for that. There they should be in one place, diligently listed.

I proposed this because, from my experience, no one would switch such a switch. Time-pressure erradicates all thoughts about maintanance, as long as it works/compiles.


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