What's the current state of D?

BCS none at anon.com
Tue May 12 22:58:15 PDT 2009

Hello Georg,

> Well (still resisting opening Pandora's box!!!!), I see Public Domain
> as a superset of any of the OSS &co licenses. Oper source simply means
> (to me, anyway), free to use anyway you want, including selling and
> incorporating into other people's apps.
> So, licencing somethign as Public Domain, ought to make FSF and
> others, to be able (er, willing would be the word) to incorporate the
> code, as they see fit.

The issue might be that the GPL code forbids some thing and unless FSF owns 
the original code, the question can come up of if someone is misusing the 
GPL copy or correctly using the public domain copy. 

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