Dual D2/D1 code base

Georg Wrede georg.wrede at iki.fi
Fri May 15 19:43:28 PDT 2009

Jason House wrote:
> I don't know what made me think of it, but could a feature very
> similar to Descent's compile-time view be used for generating D1 code
> from D2 code? It should allow striping of const, immutable, nothrow,
> shared, and pure from D2 code with relative ease. It obviously would
> not solve everything, but I think it could allow Tango to use a
> single code base... Several Tango-based D1 libraries could then
> follow and support both D1 and D2.
> Thoughts?

I think changing storage classes, and the like, is the easy part. And 
writeln/writefln should be easy. But the rest is much harder.

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