std.string and std.algorithm: what to do?

Daniel Keep daniel.keep.lists at
Sun May 17 03:01:29 PDT 2009

Georg Wrede wrote:
> ...
> What nobody told the user (until he had already bought a PC with MSDOS,
> and he had tried to actually use the feature, unsuccessfully, and then
> called the $10-a-minute hotline), is that the pipes were implemented so
> that the first program writes the entire output into a temporary file on
> the floppy, and once it has finished running, the next program then
> opens the file as input.
> Now, with the 0.00036 GB floppies of the day, it's not hard to see why
> nobody ever got any real pipe work done.
> Pipes were an integral part of Unix way before that time. And still, the
> Microsoft sales "persons" made all idiots believe Microsoft freaking
> *invented* the concept. (I've actually witnessed this in trade shows.)

I imagine that was because DOS couldn't run more than a single program.

  -- Daniel

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