OT: on IDEs and code writing on steroids

BCS ao at pathlink.com
Thu May 21 13:04:48 PDT 2009

Reply to Denis,

>> I assert that very rare that a programs NEEDS to use a DLL/so/DDL type
>> of system. The only unavoidable reasons to use them that I see are:
>> 1) you are forced to use code that can't be had at compile time (rare
>> outside of plugins and they don't count because they are not your code)
>> 2) you have lots of code that is mostly never run and you can't load it
>> all (and that sounds like you have bigger problems)
>> 3) you are running into file size limits (outside of something like a
>> kernel image, this is unlikely)
>> 4) booting takes to long (and that says your doing something else
>> wrong)
> 5) The most common case - your program relies on some third-party
> middleware that doesn't provide any source code.

They /sould/ ship static libs as well IMNSHO. Also the same aside as for 
#1 fits here.

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