OT: on IDEs and code writing on steroids
none at anon.com
Fri May 22 00:01:31 PDT 2009
Hello Rainer,
> My favorite deployment system is the application bundle under OS X.
> It's a directory that looks like a file. Beneath the covers it has
> frameworks and configuration files and multiple executables and all
> that
> crap, but to the user, it looks like a single file. You can copy it,
> rename it, move it (on a single computer or between computers), even
> delete it, and it just works. Too bad the system doesn't work under
> any
> other OS.
Oh man would I love to have that :) I've day dreamed of a system a lot like
that. One thing I'd mandate if I ever designed my ideal system is that installation
/in total/ is plunking in the dir, and removal is simply deleting it. Once
it's gone, it's gone. Nothing may remain that can in ANY WAY effect other
apps. That would implies that after each boot nothing is installed and everything
is installed on launch.
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