The Thermopylae excerpt of TDPL available online
nospam at
Mon Nov 2 07:26:56 PST 2009
Lars T. Kyllingstad wrote:
> Don wrote:
>> Jason House wrote:
>>> Don Wrote:
>>>> Leandro Lucarella wrote:
>>>>> Justin Johansson, el 30 de octubre a las 08:42 me escribiste:
>>>>>>> Actually, I think I like that better than 'traits'.
>>>>>>> -Lars
>>>>>> I'm in agreement with whoever suggested 'meta' or just about
>>>>>> anything else except 'traits'.
>>>>>> 'meta', whilst perhaps an overloaded keyword, is still much more
>>>>>> user-friendly. Whenever
>>>>>> I see 'traits' I get the feeling I need a Ph.D. to understand what
>>>>>> it's about. For some reason,
>>>>>> I don't know why, 'meta' has an aire of karma about it.
>>>>> "compiler"? That could open the door to other types of access to
>>>>> compiler
>>>>> internals, AST, etc.
>>>> Yup. I think the 'magic namespace' approach is a simple, clean way
>>>> to incorporate reflection. It could be like Object and TypeInfo,
>>>> implicitly available in every module and tightly coupled to the
>>>> compiler, but can be viewed by the user as if it were just a module.
>>>> It'd be particularly interesting if some of the functions _were_
>>>> actually implemented in library code, when possible.
>>> What about going one step further? You could require an import
>>> statement to use traits. For example, import traits=std.traits could
>>> reproduce your earlier suggestion, but gives added flexibility to the
>>> programmer. It also eliminates a keyword.
>> It's too fundamental for that. You can't use template constraints
>> without it.
>> BTW, 'scope' is another possible magic namespace.
>> scope.compiles(XXX) -- true if XXX compiles in the current scope.
>> More generally, scope.YYY() would provide metaprogramming information
>> about the property YYY of the current scope.
> Do you mean in addition to or instead of the already proposed
> traits/meta/compiler namespace?
It's another namespace suggestion. Just brainstorming.
> If it's just about avoiding new keywords I think this feature is
> fundamental enough to deserve its own keyword, and all of the above are
> more descriptive than 'scope'.
> Is this "magic namespace" proposal technically difficult to implement in
> the compiler?
See for yourself. For example, the patch below (against svn 234) allows
'__traits' as the magic namespace. The existing __traits stuff continues
to compile. <g>
__traits.isArithmetic; // note, property syntax OK if no arguments
(Any error messages involving __traits are wrong, of course).
Index: parse.c
--- parse.c (revision 234)
+++ parse.c (working copy)
@@ -4934,6 +4934,20 @@
Objects *args = NULL;
+ if (token.value == TOKdot) {
+ // __traits.identifier(args, ...)
+ nextToken();
+ if (token.value != TOKidentifier)
+ { error("__traits.identifier(args...) expected");
+ goto Lerr;
+ }
+ ident = token.ident;
+ nextToken();
+ if (token.value==TOKlparen)
+ args = parseTemplateArgumentList2();
+ e = new TraitsExp(loc, ident, args);
+ break;
+ }
if (token.value != TOKidentifier)
{ error("__traits(identifier, args...) expected");
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