D library projects

Jacob Carlborg doob at me.com
Thu Nov 12 13:34:00 PST 2009

On 11/12/09 22:02, Walter Bright wrote:
> dsimcha wrote:
>> It would be truly great if Tango could be used under a license with
>> permissiveness
>> equivalent to the Boost license. It would help mend a pretty
>> significant rift in
>> the D community that started over a minor technicality.
> Sean did a lot of searching, and found that the Boost license was the
> most permissive, so Phobos was relicensed with the Boost license. If
> Tango could dual license with Boost, this would slam-dunk solve the
> licensing issues once and for all.
> I hope the Tango team will consider this.

It's being discussed here: 

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