How about Go's... error on unused imports?

bearophile bearophileHUGS at
Sat Nov 14 12:45:41 PST 2009

Bill Baxter:

> I think this word "may" does not mean quite what you think it does.
> What you wrote there basically means "You have my permission to add them, too",
> like a teacher might say to a student.

You are right, and that was not my purpose...

> If it can be interpreted as
> giving permission, it will be.   "Might" doesn't have that ambiguity.

I'll keep this in mind.

> In the above situation, I would say either "It might be a good idea to
> add them too".  Or just ask directly "Could you please add them, too?"

I hope this too is acceptable: "You might add those too" :-)

Thank you very much for your English lessons,
bear(ish) hugs,

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