Should the comma operator be removed in D2?
Ellery Newcomer
ellery-newcomer at
Tue Nov 17 16:08:56 PST 2009
Yigal Chripun wrote:
> KennyTM~ wrote:
>> On Nov 18, 09 05:40, Ellery Newcomer wrote:
>>> Bill Baxter wrote:
>>>> However, I think for the good of humanity we can accept that one
>>>> little bizarre example of legal C syntax not doing the same thing in
>>>> D.
>>> int[] i;
>>> auto a = (i)[0];
>>> what does this do?
>> (i) should not construct a tuple. Probably (i,).
> I agree, a tuple of one element (doesn't matter what type, array in this
> case) should be semantically identical to that single element.
> proper semantics for language supported tuples should IMO include:
> 1) syntax to explicitly [de]construct tuples and no auto-flattening
> 2) a tuple of one element is identical to a scalar:
> int a = 5; // scalar integer
> auto b = (5); // tuple of one integer
> a == b // is true
> 3) function's argument list is a tuple like in ML:
> void foo(int a, char b);
> int a = 5; char b ='a';
> auto tup = (5, 'a');
> foo(a, b) is identical to foo(t);
does ML have any equivalent of template parameters? eg
> 4) unit type defined by the empty tuple instead of c-like void
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