D: at Borders soon?

AJ aj at nospam.net
Fri Nov 20 22:37:34 PST 2009

Mike Farnsworth wrote:
> AJ, I have no intention of offending you

Oh go ahead and give it a go. Suppressing stuff is bad, catharsis is good. 
I'm tough and I don't think there is anyone who can really offend me. Save 
for those who capitalize on other people's efforts. Or those who manipulate 
systems to there own advantage. Or imposing people. Or condescending people. 
Or politicians. Or vultures. Or cat lovers. ;)

> or anyone else, but
> something needs to be made clear.  A more productive thing for you to
> do is contribute to some aspect of D or its available libraries and
> make it succeed such that you can make money off of it yourself via
> resume enhancement and adding to your portfolio.

So you're in recruiting huh (yes, it is apparent).

>  Demanding a handout
> is, let's just say, not very effective.

Surely you're not insinuating that _I_ want something?

> I saw a few of your other
> posts, and I would posit that you are an intelligent person who can
> make a positive impact by writing some code or otherwise helping out.

Sounds like a road to the poorhouse and dying on the streets homeless.

> It doesn't matter in the slightest whether you believe Don or not.

What matters is that it may matter to people who are toiling on/with D, 
where the spoils are going to or will be going to.

> Walking on to some NG and essentially calling people liars tends to
> just reflect poorly on you, but you already knew that.

I didn't call anyone a liar. (Which is comical in itself, for everyone lies. 
Except me of course.)

> I want to assist where I can whether or not Walter, Andrei, Don, or
> anyone else is or isn't making money off of D.

Unpaid labor is nirvana huh.

> I am free to use it,

But you don't own it.

> so what they do with it is none of my concern.  I don't want anyone
> to "share" any money with me, because I can work and earn my own
> keep.

Similarly, you don't want anyone exploiting you and not paying you for your 
wares, surely.

> Making money off of your own hard work and (gasp!) keeping it
> for some time period is the opposite of a sin.  That's called a
> 'job.'  And Walter is doing a great job, as far as I've seen.

Time will tell.

I think C++ and D are historical things to examine and use parts from. The 
programming language junkyards or museums, if you will. As an inventor, I 
wonder if there is anything there that I can use in my next invention. Maybe 
because my impressions of D come from the newsgroup I think that, but it 
does eerily seem to be one of those IT Dept. projects gone awry: 10 years 
and it's still only 10% complete? Why do we keeping throwing effort into 

( ;) Just a tad facetious ). 

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