Conspiracy Theory #1
nospam at
Sun Nov 22 09:29:57 PST 2009
Travis Boucher wrote:
> retard wrote:
>> Sat, 21 Nov 2009 06:03:46 -0700, Travis Boucher wrote:
>>> The future of D to me is very uncertain. I see some very bright
>>> possibilities in the embedded area and the web cluster area (these are
>>> my 2 areas, so I can't speak on the scientific applications). However
>>> the limited targets for the official DMD, and the adoption lag in gdc
>>> (and possibly ldc) are issues that need to be addressed before I can see
>>> the language getting some of the real attention that it deserves.
>> Agreed, basically you would need to go the gdc/gcc route since e.g. arm/
>> mips backends on llvm aren't as mature and clearly digitalmars only
>> targets x86.
> I hope sometime after the D2 specs are finalized, and dmd2 stablizes,
> Walter decides to make the dmd backend Boost or MIT licensed (or
> similar).
AFAIK, he can't. He doesn't own exclusive rights to it. The statement
that it's not guaranteed to work after Y2K is a Symantec requirement, it
definitely doesn't come from Walter!
> Then we can all call the Digital Mars compiler 'the reference
> implementation', and standardize on GCC/LLVM.
> For most applications/libraries, forking means death. But look at the
> cases of bind (DNS), sendmail (smtp), and even Apache (and it's NCSA
> roots). These implementations of their respective protocols are still
> the 'standard' and 'reference' implementations, they still have a huge
> installation, and are still see active development.
> However, their alternatives in many cases offer better support, features
> and/or speed (not to mention security, especially in the case of bind
> and sendmail).
> Of course, I am not even touching on the windows end of things, the
> weird marketing and politics involved in windows software I can't
> comment on as it is too confusing for me. (freeware, shareware,
> crippleware, EULAs).
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