dynamic classes and duck typing

biozic dransic at free.fr
Sun Nov 29 02:44:56 PST 2009

Le 29/11/09 00:36, Walter Bright a écrit :
> And here it is (called opDispatch, Michel Fortin's suggestion):
> http://www.dsource.org/projects/dmd/changeset?new=trunk%2Fsrc@268&old=trunk%2Fsrc@267

Seems interesting, but for now the error message when no opDispatch 
template can be instantiated looks confusing when trying to use a class 
with an opDispatch implemented, and making e.g. a typo error:

module lib;
class Test
     string opDispatch(string name)()
         static if (name == "foo")
             return "foo";
module main;
import lib;
import std.stdio;

void main()
     auto test = new Test;
     writeln(test.foo); // OK
     writeln(test.fooo); // Error

Error is: """
lib.d(5): Error: function lib.Test.opDispatch!("fooo").opDispatch 
expected to return a value of type string
lib.d(9): Error: template instance lib.Test.opDispatch!("fooo") error 


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