dynamic classes and duck typing

biozic dransic at free.fr
Sun Nov 29 04:27:32 PST 2009

Le 29/11/09 13:16, Michel Fortin a écrit :
> On 2009-11-29 06:14:21 -0500, "Simen kjaeraas" <simen.kjaras at gmail.com>
> said:
>> That is because your opDispatch is instantiated no matter what the name
>> is, but only does something sensible if it's foo. Try this:
>> string opDispatch( string name )( ) {
>> static if ( name == "foo" ) {
>> return "foo";
>> } else {
>> static assert( false, "Invalid member name." );
>> }
>> }
> Wouldn't this be even better?
> string opDispatch(string name)() if (name == "foo") {
> return "foo";
> }
> I haven't tested that it works though.

It doesn't improve the error message, but it works. It's been a long 
time since I used D: I didn't know this syntax!

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